Accomplished – Since 06/08/12

  • Setup Starter Base Repository

Goals – 06/13/12

This next phase is where the true editor will kick in and will take some fair piece of time. When my laptop had that mishap in the hands of the Best Buy Geek Squad I was in the process of setting up files in for a base repository, so essentially I’m finally back to where I was 2 years ago when this started. Well, truth be told I’m a little farther ahead since I’ve actually achieved Base Repository. “What is the purpose of having a base repository?” you may ask. I wanted to set up a base repository because some of my stories I have been working on for over a decade, and with so many changes to the underlying plot I want to make sure not to back track story concepts that have already landed me at dead ends. Also if there are concepts that I’ve cut that might now work I’d like to resurrect them if they’re good. Lord knows that there have been plenty of things I’ve cut that I didn’t want to but did because it didn’t gel with the current plot line, so we’ll see if there’s anything to salvage.

  • Working on Base Repository
  • Looking into types of Visual Version Control for file naming